A clear plan from the start leads to a stunning project at the end.

When meeting many of our first-time clients, they often have ideas about what they want to achieve but are often confused about how to initiate their project and, more importantly, how to set it on the right path. They procrastinate due to a lack of direction or certainty and risk making the wrong decision which could become costly in the long run and lead to a disappointing result.

How to get your project started?

Starting your very own architectural project can be overwhelming and often confusing. You are not alone, and like many of our clients you may find yourself asking these questions:

Should we knock down and re-build a new home or is an extension & renovation a better option?

  • Where do I start?

  • What is the process?

  • Are my ideas even feasible?

  • What will it cost?

  • How do I get the best value for my budget and how do I ensure that the result is what I want?

  • Do I need any other consultants or just an architect for my project?

  • Do I need to speak with council?

  • Can a builder design and build what we need?

  • Do I actually need an architect?

The Solution

Get professional independent advice before you start investing in the design process. Our project planning meeting is designed to provide you with all the information you need to know about your project before starting the process.

Save months of time researching & guessing, avoid the headache and debates that stem from not knowing if you can or can't do what you have in mind and most importantly avoid those costly mistakes and paying for services your project doesn't need.

We offer clients the opportunity to meet with Dean in their very own one-page project planning consultation. This is a friendly one-hour meeting where we not only answer those burning questions but also help you establish your very own project plan. So why is it important to have a project plan?

The Benefits

1.  AVOID BEING MISINFORMED. Many clients waste months and some even years trying to research the right way to design and build their dream home. Wasting valuable time, money and energy trying to find the right answers and understand the design & build process. Every project is completely different, which is why when starting out you can be faced with a number of different answers & opinions, making it hard to know what the right decision is for you and your project.

The benefit: Save yourself the time, money and energy trying to find the right answers for your site and project. Ask all the questions you have and get the right answers in a relaxed one-hour meeting with Dean. Get a feel for your project and what's involved before you commit. After all, your time is valuable.

2.  Cost blowouts. Everyone has heard the story where a project started at one million and ended up at two by the time it was built. We guarantee that this was because there was no project plan in place from the outset. Our one-page project plan will help you avoid this common occurrence by giving you the facts about your project upfront and solutions to avoid costly mistakes.

The benefit:  With a carefully considered project plan, you will eliminate the risk of spending money at the wrong times and on things you do not need. You will leave our studio knowing exactly what your project needs, whether what you want to do is achievable and what it will roughly cost to achieve it.

Whether you are looking to start in the near future or in 6-12 months time, there is no better feeling than being prepared. Having your very own project plan will ensure that you start off on the right foot and avoid spending needless money that previous clients have done before you.

Sessions typically take an hour and are held at our design studio. We will have coffee and discuss your project, your ideas, good design practices and get to know each other. You will get to see the way in which we work, other projects that we are working on and style of work that we do.

A project planning consultation is the solid foundation on which the success of any architecture project is built. It will leave you feeling confident and comfortable moving forward to design and build your very own dream home. Not having a comprehensive project plan in place from day one, is a guaranteed recipe for disappointment and a costly experience

| Dean Dyson Architects |