Renovation Secrets


Doing your research and knowing the key factors to focus on when planning a renovation or extension on your home will help to ensure a successful outcome for your project. Mistakes can cost you time and money and take a lot longer to get you into your finished home than you think.

Below you’ll find some of the common renovation mistakes and how you can avoid them.

Know your budget so you know what can be achieved.

Think about what your comfortable to invest into your project. By starting with this number, you know what will be achievable and you may even be able to build your project for less. Be prepared to adjust your budget to suit. Specific needs and requirements may impact your budget.

Related: Setting A Budget For Your Custom Home Build Or Renovation

Not hiring the right professionals

For a project to be successful, it is important that the right team is put in place to create your vision. Do your research and make sure you trust and are comfortable with who you hire. When hiring an architect or designer get references. Ask to speak to their existing clients. Also, they will have a list of trustworthy builders they can refer you to which makes it much easier for you.

 Confirm your design before you start

Be aware! Making changes to your design may add to the cost of your project. Always get your architects opinion and advice. While some changes only seem minor, they could potentially lead to knock on effects which could blow your budget before your project even gets underway.

 Understand the construction process

Even the best laid out plans don’t always eventuate the way they should on paper. There are several unforeseeable outcomes that can occur during the build process. Most notably, those that cannot be identified before demolition begins. Having a contingency budget in place before you start can make sure that when unpredictable circumstances occur you are able to deal with them in a stress free, planned way.

 Engaging the right professionals from the start of your project will ensure that any issues that arise can be dealt with straight away before they become bigger issues.

 Looking for some help to get your renovation and extension project underway? Book a Project Planning Consultation with Dean here.


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